Aurelia Training
Aurelia is a modern, forward-thinking, conventions-based, next-gen UI framework, which leverages convention over configuration. Compared to other JavaScript frameworks, coding with Aurelia is extremely simple and it allows you to build apps that are maintainable, testable, and extensible.
It supports latest JavaScript versions viz ES5, ES6, TypeScript, Dart and ES.Next. This intensive learning path will immerse you in the JavaScript world where you will mature as a developer by exploring the best practices for building single page apps.
Our training and course materials are designed by Aurelia Core Team members. No one has more expertise with Aurelia than Cazton! The best way to learn Aurelia is by developing an Aurelia app. Participants will build real-world Aurelia applications in our workshop-style classes.
For those who prefer a more customized approach, our trainings can also be delivered onsite based on your requirements at cost effective rates. Please contact us at for more details. The following topics will be covered in this training.
Modern JavaScript, Tooling & Testing
- ES2015, ES2016 and Beyond
- TypeScript
- Package Managers
- Task Runners
- Transpilers
- Survey of Front-End IDEs and Editors
- Introducton to Jasmine
- Using Karma
- Using Protractor
The Modern Browser
- Introduction to the Modern DOM
- Web Components
- Beyond the Browser
Getting Started with Aurelia & Aurelia Basics
- Setting up Your Environment
- Working with Package Managers & Module Loaders
- Understanding Aurelia Startup & Configuration
Aurelia Basics
- Creating Components
- Understanding Data Binding
- Understanding Binding Behaviors and Observable Properties
- Understanding Templating
- Understanding Dependency Injection
Aurelia Intermediate
- Understanding Routing
- Understanding Custom Elements
- Understanding Custom Attributes
- Custom Elements vs Custom Attributes
- Understanding Dynamic UI Composition
Aurelia Advanced
- Validation
- Internationalization
- Server-side Rendering
- Understanding Aurelia's Architecture (Templating, Binding, Routing, etc)
- Using 3rd Party Libraries & Services
- Unit Testing View Models
- Bundling
- Application Deployment
Cazton has Aurelia Consultants and Trainers who can provide expert guidance and training as per your organization's needs. This code-intensive training lets you explore Aurelia from basics to advanced level and gives a first-hand experience developing an Aurelia application from scratch.
Over the years, Cazton has expanded into a global company servicing clients not only across the United States, but in Europe and Canada as well. In the United States, we provide our Aurelia Consulting and Training Services across various cities like Austin, Dallas, Houston, New York, New Jersey, Irvine, Los Angeles, Denver, Boulder, Charlotte, Atlanta, Orlando, Miami, San Antonio, San Diego and others. Our Aurelia Experts remain committed to the vision of transforming our clients and their team by providing the best training experience. Contact us today to learn more about what our experts can do for you.