AWS Consulting

  • AWS has deployed five times more cloud infrastructure than its 14 top competitors have all combined.
  • One-third of the people surfing the internet visit websites, which are powered by AWS.
  • Our team of AWS services experts, AWS certified professionals, multi and hybrid cloud experts help Fortune 500, large and mid-size companies with AWS development, consulting, recruiting services and hands-on training services.

Industry analyst firm Gartner forecasts for 2022 predict that the cloud services market in platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is expected to reach $72 billion, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is expected to reach $80.9 billion, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) will grow to a whopping $140.6 billion(1). Amazon AWS is the most adopted enterprise cloud solution followed by Microsoft Azure services and Google cloud computing services (GCP).

Over the years, AWS has been rated the top public cloud service platform. It offers flexible, reliable, scalable and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. AWS hosts more than 200 services and continues to expand them throughout their globally distributed data centers. From startups to leading enterprises and government agencies, many leverage the highly secure AWS to lower their cost and minimize investment, maintenance, and management overhead. AWS currently spans across 77 availability zones within 24 geographic regions around the world and has plans to expand to nine more availability zones and three more regions.

Have you worked with multi-billion-dollar software development, consulting and recruiting companies? If yes, we provide more quality services at a much better price point. Our team of AWS services experts, AWS certified professionals, multi and hybrid cloud experts help Fortune 500, large and mid-size companies with AWS development, consulting, recruiting services and hands-on training services.

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

Amazon's customer obsession and value-oriented product design is a core factor in its strength of products and services. The same product design factor can be seen in Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a subsidiary of Amazon, which provides a pay-as-you-go pricing model for on demand cloud computing platforms and APIs. These services are used by thousands of organizations all over the world to support their technical infrastructure needs. AWS dominates the public cloud market with 41.5% usage on the Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform. The Forrester New wave Q2 2020 report names AWS marketplace as a leader in SaaS marketplaces across ten criteria.

AWS has deployed five times more cloud infrastructure than its top 14 competitors have combined. According to a study, about one-third of the people surfing the internet visit websites, which are powered by AWS. AWS continues to lower its cost of cloud computing to the users over the years. In a comparison to on-premises solution, they are 76% more cost effective in web applications, 51% better in big data applications and 58% better in business applications.

At Cazton, our team has experience and great expertise using services offered by AWS and other public and private cloud providers. We design and develop robust and scalable cloud solutions. Our team is well versed with this platform and can provide you secure and robust deployment solutions that suit your requirements.


  • Easy to use: Any organization or developer would love an easy and intuitive interface. AWS is designed for a quick setup and hosting of applications depending on your use case.
  • Cost effective: Operational and infrastructural costs are one of the major concerns for an organization. AWS services have no long-term contracts or up-front commitments, which saves cost by paying only for the services you use.
  • Scalable: Solutions which scale up pave a long way for the growth of an organization. AWS on demand services have been used by many organizations due to its auto scaling and elastic load balancing features.
  • Flexible: Without the manual infrastructure setup or service management hassles, AWS provides a virtual environment to load and host the services your application requires.
  • Secure: One of the best ways to build your organization's trust with your users is dependent on protecting the user data. AWS services utilize physical, operational and software measures to secure and harden the infrastructure.
  • Reliable: In order to expand your company's services globally and reliably, AWS provides a global computing infrastructure with high availability.

AWS services

AWS hosts more than 200 services and continues to expand. Some of the top services according to their area of use are listed below.

Compute: Managing the capacity and compute requirements by yourself can quickly turn into a nightmare and it might not scale with the growth of an organization. A lot of organizations rely on the high performant and scalable cloud service for processing and analyzing data. It makes it possible to have virtually unlimited compute and storage capacity, engineers and researchers. Some of the well-known services provided by Amazon in the Compute segment are listed below.

  • Amazon EC2: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is an on-demand, scalable, and reliable infrastructure designed to make cloud computing easier for organizations. Its intuitive interface allows you to configure cloud instances and have complete control over your computing resources.
  • AWS Lambda: It is a highly available compute service by Amazon, which enables you to run any type of application or backend service without configuring or managing servers. It can also be used to trigger your code from other AWS services or from any web or mobile applications and scales your code as required.
  • Amazon Lightsail: It is the lighter version of compute services offered by Amazon and is ideal for quick deployments and smaller workloads. It helps you to quickly get started and then scale up as your business grows. It has preconfigured:
    • development stacks like LAMP, Nginx, MEAN and Node.js.
    • blogging applications like WordPress, Magento, Plesk and Joomla.
    • business software for financial and accounting software, backups, and file storage and sharing.
    • development or test environments.

Storage: With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and more data-oriented software, data quickly expands and the need to store it as well. It is required to backup or archive data and access the data reliably for further processing. AWS provides the following listed services to manage and store data.

  • Amazon S3: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is an object storage service that offers 11 9s (99.999999999%) of durability and stores data for millions of applications all around the world. Various companies use it for storing and protecting data for their websites, mobile applications, enterprise applications, IoT devices and big data analytics. It can also be utilized to archive, backup and restore data.
  • Amazon EFS: Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a scalable and fully-managed elastic NFS file system which can handle petabytes of information and can grow or shrink automatically as you add or remove files. Also, it can be used to provide parallel shared access to thousands of AWS EC2 instances to achieve high throughput with consistent low latencies.

Database: Data coming from a lot of sources can be stored in structured or unstructured formats. This data can then be used to access, process and analyze the data for various use cases. A lot of organizations are also migrating their data to the cloud databases for much reliable and secure access. AWS provides a lot of services to choose the best for your organization.

  • Amazon Aurora: It is a cloud database service, which supports relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL to provide simplicity and performance of open source databases with high availability and cost-effectiveness. It can auto scale to 64TB per database instance and is five times faster than traditional MySQL databases and three times faster than traditional PostgreSQL in one-tenth of the cost.
  • Amazon DocumentDB: It's a fast, scalable and highly available MongoDB compatible document service which lets you store, query and index JSON data. It replicates your data six times across three AWS Availability Zones. It also provides a six-month free service to transfer your MongoDB databases to Amazon DocumentDB with no downtime.
  • Amazon DynamoDB: It combines the benefits of key-value and document databases while providing ACID transactions to provide single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. It can handle more than 10 trillion requests per day and can support peaks of more than 20 million requests per second. Enterprises such as Samsung, Toyota and Capital One rely on these databases to support their operations.

Networking and Content Delivery: Data from a database will be accessed through the network and its throughput depends on the content delivery of the network. A well-managed private network with a high-speed content delivery system will go a long way in serving the customers quickly and efficiently. Some of the AWS services listed help to equip your organization with secure and high-speed services.

  • Amazon VPC: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) lets you create a virtual network, a logically isolated section of the AWS cloud, where you can manage the AWS resources. It gives you a full control over your virtual networking environment, including your own IP address range, subnets, route tables and network gateways. This can be utilized to build a public facing subnet for web servers for access to the internet, while having a private facing subnet for backend systems with no access to internet.
  • Amazon Route 53: This is an IPv6 fully compliant Domain Name System (DNS) web service to route end users to internet applications by translating website names to IP addresses. It is generally used to connect users' requests to AWS infrastructure like AWS EC2 instance, Elastic load balancing or Amazon S3 buckets.
  • Amazon CloudFront: It is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that can be used to securely deliver data, videos, applications and APIs to users. It offers low latency and high transfer speeds globally and can be easily integrated with other AWS services like Amazon S3, Elastic load balancing, and Amazon EC2.

Analytics: Data lying in the storage without analysis is like having a saw machine but not knowing how to use it on a log of wood. Analytics provide an efficient way to understand the data of an organization and to apply forecasting on that data for improving business and customer engagement. Some of the AWS services of analyzing data are:

  • Amazon Elasticsearch Service: It provides the ELK stack for your search requirements without the operational overhead. It is a fully managed service to deploy, secure and run Elasticsearch APIs, Kibana and Logstash integration with other AWS services with built in alerting and SQL querying.
  • Amazon Redshift: It acts as a fast-reliable data warehouse to gain insights on your structured or semi-structured data. SQL queries can be applied and the results can be saved in open formats like Apache Parquet which can then be processed through Amazon EMR, Amazon Athena and Amazon Sagemaker. With its AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator) technology, it provides a distributed and hardware accelerated cache allowing Redshift to run 10x times any other cloud data warehouse.
  • Amazon Cloud Search: It is a fully managed service in the AWS cloud providing a simple and cost-effective solution to set up, manage and scale a search solution for your website or application. It supports 34 languages and all the popular search features such as highlighting, auto complete and geospatial search. It charges you for your hourly usage on search instances, document batch uploads, document indexing requests and per GB data transfer.

Containers: Containerization technology like Docker and orchestration technology like Kubernetes have totally transformed the technical landscape for automating deployments, scaling and managing containers. It paves way for microservices architecture web development for building modular, maintainable and isolated services that satisfy specific business requirements. Some of the containerization and orchestrations services provided through AWS are listed below.

  • AWS Fargate: It is a serverless container orchestration technology, which can work with both Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). It runs each task or pod in its own isolated compute environment giving it a much better security by design.
  • Amazon EKS: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully managed Kubernetes service which can easily pair up with AWS Fargate to run your EKS clusters. This can be used to create a microservices architecture for a web application running totally in cloud.

Machine Learning: With constantly evolving technology there is a need to develop smarter applications that can understand and aid humans in their everyday life. These range anywhere from digitizing application forms using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to using it for natural language processing for making a conversation. Amazon provides a lot of tools with built in machine learning algorithms which avoid the hassle of traditional machine learning complexity. Some of the tools in this segment are:

  • Amazon Textract: It is another fully managed machine learning service, which can extract information from scanned physical documents and perform more than simple OCR to identify key-value pairs and table information. It can be useful when companies are looking for an automated way to reduce manual data entry and human errors from physical documents. It can be combined with Amazon Augmented AI to add in human reviews for sensitive data.
  • Amazon SageMaker: It is a fully managed service which enables you to build, train and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly with a limited set of documents. It bypasses the complex, expensive and iterative process of traditional ML development and supports TensorFlow, PyTorch, Apache MXNet, Chainer, Keras, Scikit-learn and Deep Graph Library frameworks.

Amazon CloudWatch: It is a DevOps cloud service for monitoring and observing applications and providing actionable insights. Furthermore, it can get a unified view of operational health, respond to system wide performance changes, detect anomalies in your environments and optimize resource utilization.

Security, Identity and Compliance: Cyber threats are on a rise and people are aware to not rely on a poorly secured application for making purchases or to provide their private information. It becomes necessary to apply security measures and enable authorization and authentication policies to secure the applications.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) manages the access to other AWS services by giving a fine-grained access control to AWS resources. It can be used to create and manage AWS users and groups, provide permissions to allow or deny access to resources, and to enable multi-factor authentication.


Deploying a software application using AWS services requires proper planning, experience and expertise in the tools and technologies for cost effectiveness and compute optimization. As the technology keeps changing, the deployment team should be flexible enough to accept changes and embrace best practices. Security, scalability and cost-effectiveness should be given the highest priority during development. A lack of expertise in any of the above-mentioned segments can lead for a failed or delayed deployment. This is where the Cazton team can help you.

Our team of experts embrace all security and deployment best practices and have years of experience deploying AWS aided applications in different environments. We can help you secure and deploy AWS services best suited to your requirement from the different computing and hosting services including virtual machines, containers, storage, databases and content delivery network.

We will audit and assess your requirements and design a strong, cost-effective cloud strategy and provide a customized computing and hosting solution that will help you get the most out of these services at affordable rates. We focus on providing the best value to the client and recommend the best tech stacks for you. Our team has also worked extensively with other public cloud providers like Azure, GCP, IBM cloud and private cloud services and technologies including Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Service Meshes in Istio's, OpenShift, Terraform and many others. Feel free to reach out to us for any deployment related issues or service requirements.

How can Cazton help you with AWS Consulting?

Cazton cloud services experts have many years of experience in AWS services and have worked with industries involving real estate, healthcare, gaming, logistics, energy, fitness, media and entertainment sectors. Our team can help you to develop applications and automate processes with AWS services. We also help you deploy your application on Amazon's container services including Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container service. We offer the following services at cost-effective rates:

  • AWS development, consulting and customized training.
  • Analyze your business requirements and consult you with architectural design and coding best practices.
  • Consult you with cloud and security best practices.
  • Audit and assess your requirements to design a strong and cost-efficient cloud strategy.
  • Help you develop high performance, scalable and enterprise-level applications utilizing full capabilities of AWS and other related technologies.
  • Help you integrate AWS solutions for big data analytics.
  • Help you integrate AWS solutions for artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Build CI/CD pipeline and automate your deployment process.
  • Migrate your on-premises applications to AWS or multi/hybrid cloud environment.
  • Provide industry leading data migration solutions.
  • Disaster management and data recovery.
  • Perform code reviews and troubleshoot any performance issues.
  • Provide AWS training from beginner to advanced level.

