Angular Consulting

  • Angular is a Web 2.0 SPA (single-page app framework) open sourced by Google.
  • Angular offers high performance, modularity, speed of development, code-reuse, cross-platform support, reduced complexity and compile-time checks.
  • At Cazton, we have Google Developer Experts in Angular who work closely with the Angular team at Google.
  • We help Fortune 500, large and mid-size companies with Angular development, consulting, recruiting services and hands-on training services. We help with performance improvement, code quality, code coverage, CI/CD and implementing Angular and JavaScript best practices.

Did you know Angular is one of the fastest Single Page App (SPA) frameworks? Did you know the Angular team has kept its promise of releasing a new version every six months? With enterprise clients upgrading from AngularJS to Angular recently, it's been a great time for Cazton to help clients not only upgrade brownfield applications from AngularJS to Angular, but also develop greenfield applications on all Angular versions.

At Cazton, we have Google Developer Experts in Angular who can provide their expertise to you. Since our experts are friends with the Google Angular team, it's phenomenal to learn the inside scoop from the engineers who create the framework. With our breadth of operations in enterprise, we also get the opportunity to share feedback with the Angular team directly. In this way, we are able to act as a liaison between our clients, the community and the Angular team.

In the last few years, we have helped clients all over the US, UK, Canada, Europe and India on Angular projects. We have worked on all sorts of backends including Node.js, .NET Core, Java, .NET and Python with Angular and Typescript as the frontend. We have successfully completed Angular trainings world-wide both in-person and remotely.

Why Angular?

Angular brings a lot of great benefits for enterprise use. Some of them are:

  • Performance: The Angular team has a special emphasis on performance. The new Change Detection strategy was a complete re-thinking with a performance-first approach. For a framework that provides so much functionality, tree-shaking (or dead-code elimination) was such a smart strategy that allowed application developers to filter out the modules that don't get called by the application code. This reduces the footprint of the framework drastically.
  • Compile-Time checks: With JavaScript being dynamic, it has some serious disadvantages. One of them is no real way of finding out bugs until run-time. Angular team's smart decision to go with Typescript has now made it easy to find out errors on compile time. This is great for finding bugs quickly, increasing the code quality and speeding up the development cycle.
  • Separation of concerns: Angular makes it easy to follow the principle of separation of concerns. It follows more like a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern where the Component is the controller and a Typescript class is the model and the View is simply HTML. We have worked on JavaScript applications with millions of lines of code. One can only appreciate how important separation of concerns is after working on some low quality and high quantity code written with barely any thought towards maintainability. Trust me, we get brought into applications, which are extremely hard to maintain, forget about adding new functionality. (I hate to say this, but we essentially get paid to eliminate bad code!)
  • Reduced complexity: Angular requires less lines of code to run complicated functionality. Compared to something like JQuery, Angular is much more sophisticated. Most of the complexity is under the hood. The major benefit of reduced code is ease of maintenance and speed of development.
  • Scalability: Angular has done a lot of good work architecting the framework. They have chosen a scalability-first approach. Angular modules are way more comprehensive than a regular ECMAScript module. They logically group different Angular artifacts such as components, pipes and directives etc. These modules can be shared internally as well as externally (in regards to the Angular application). In short, they are a unit of reusability and help scale the application with ease.
  • Cross-platform: Web is everywhere. One major benefit of Angular is that it can be reused on pretty much any platform. This includes progressive web apps, native mobile or tablets apps, as well as desktop applications.
  • Code Reuse: Angular uses templates created by the user to generate highly optimized code. This empowers regular developers to write less lines of code and not having to worry about making performance optimizations for the major portion of the application.
  • Smart loading and rendering: With the new Component Router, Angular apps load quickly, which delivers automatic code-splitting. This helps with loading code required to render the view they request.
  • Speed of development: With templates, the developer can quickly create UI views with simple, but powerful syntax. Angular CLI is a great command line tool for code generation. It can add multiple files and is highly configurable. It makes the process of adding components and tests as well as deploying it simply a piece of cake. One other major benefit is getting some great intelligent code completion and instant compile time errors in major IDEs and editors.
  • Testing: Angular CLI creates Karma unit tests and Protractor end to end tests as part of the template. This is a very good practice. According to statistics, about 30% of the organizations still shy away from using any sort of unit testing or end to end testing. This is one good way to create standardized unit as well as end to end tests.

Using Angular correctly

Did you know our team once worked on a multi-billion revenue generating application and more than 80% of the code had to be eliminated? Did you know that that project was years behind and way over due before our team got there? Did you know that they anticipated few more years and tens of millions of dollars to finish the project? Did you know three executives who led that project either quit or were let go in less than one year?

Fortunately, not only we were able to make the project successful, we were able to make it happen way ahead of schedule and provided cost effective resolutions to help the project come in under budget. We are also proud of the fact that the executives who hired us to help them got a huge raise. Tech currently has 1.9% unemployment at the time of writing this article. It's hard to hire and retain the top developers and architects in an environment like this. We have been fortunate to have a growing team of experts and the good news is, our team can be a part of your team. We take our engagements seriously and we will work extremely hard to make you successful.

Most technologies are good, but with the frequent changes in operating systems, platforms and frameworks as well as browsers, frameworks have a lot of keep up with these days. Developers have a lot to keep up with. They can't specialize and be experts in every technology they work on. With an expert-led team like ours, we bring the benefit of our network to you. We save our clients a serious amount of effort on tasks they shouldn't be doing by providing them a streamlined strategy and updating it as and when we get more information. We work with Fortune 500, large and mid-size corporations and we learn what works and what doesn't work and incorporate that in our feedback to our clients to make sure their projects are successful.

Stephen Fluin from Google Angular team

Our CEO co-authored a book on Angular (Building Single Page Application Using ASP.NET Core & Angular). Stephen was kind enough to write such a generous review of the book.

Both .NET and the Angular platform continue to play a critical role for enterprises across the world. The web and its surrounding ecosystem continue to evolve at an accelerating pace. Every day developers are asked to build applications that are more focused on successful outcomes for users. At the same time developers have to contend with an explosion of new technologies and techniques for building these rich and engaging experiences.

This book is a fantastic guide for intermediate and advanced developers who want to expand their skills and who want to be a part of the future of the web. There are a lot of challenges and hurdles to building full-stack applications that are engaging, reliable, maintainable, and extensible. This comprehensive guide covers everything a developer needs to know to apply their existing skills to building end-to-end real world applications.

By covering the entirety of the process, from first setting up a new project in the right way to developer operations concerns such as capturing and logging client-side errors that real users encounter in production, this book ensures that developers will be prepared with all of the best practices they need to be effective, and it ensures that developers will be prepared to deal with the complexity and ambiguity that are inherent in software development. Many of the skills and techniques covered here are timeless, and will serve developers well as they stay productive in the constantly changing world of technology.

Stephen Fluin Angular Team @ Google

How can Cazton help you with Angular Consulting?

Our experts are able to quickly identify, predict, and satisfy our clients' current and future need. Our hierarchy of consultants include Principal Consultants, Senior Architects, Senior Managers, Lead Senior Consultants, Senior and Junior Level Consultants and Developers available at your disposal with flexible engagements.

We specialize in Developing Angular apps with PWA capabilities, Migrating AngularJS to Angular, Angular training from beginner to advanced level, Unit testing Angular apps using tools like Jasmine and Karma and much more. In the last few years, we have helped clients all over the US, UK, Canada, Europe and India on Angular projects. We have worked on all sorts of backends including Node.js, .NET Core, Java, .NET and Python with Angular and Typescript as the frontend. We have successfully completed Angular trainings world-wide both in-person and remotely.